Shadow Of Winds

It’s A Wonderful Day!

Posted on: November 24, 2012

I got up early, bathed and got ready for my classes, that’s actually not how I would describe my day started. Actually, I never really slept the previous night, all thanks to the Vampire Diaries(again!) and other series obsession.(Well here’s a secret..this is just the cover up story truly speaking it was because I overslept the day before and didn’t wanted to miss another day of college).

Well, after watching all of it that I could, at 6 I finally decided to get ready for the day which lay ahead of me. With the gush of morning wind something hit me, it hit me bad! “Today is gonna be a great day!” I said to myself as I headed to the ladies’ room. After all the needful I was back in my room trying to wake the sleepy-heads(aka my roommates), who in turn did the usual 5-more-minutes-please routine. That is when I realized what torment they bear each morning trying to get me to wake up. After nagging them for over half an hour the sun finally rose for the two of them. I picked out the new clothes lying in my cupboard taunting me over the time for me to wear them. Somehow I felt like wearing them today and I again reminded myself again,  “Today is going to be a great day!”. But as I started for the class I realized I was already late and as I entered the lecture room, I was balled over. The room was full and I couldn’t manage myself a place to sit. Awkwardly standing around I found a seat vacant at the very end of the class right behind the guys where I really didn’t want to sit all by myself.(Not because I am prejudice towards guys but because I knew I will hardly be able to see anything with those huge little creatures standing in my way. So a friend of mine herself offered to move to that place along with me. So here I was sitting in the most unnoticeable corner of the class trying to gather as much as I could of the class when the computer teacher decided to announce the test marks in class. And all of a sudden all eyes were onto me as he told that I got a full score on the test. I could literally see all eyes searing right through me. As much as I wanted escape that uneasiness, I reminded myself that I didn’t have to do anything stupid that would screw my new-found identity in class and my great day.
Note to self: Don’t be late for class EVER!

After break we went to lab to revise the ever so complicated electronics circuits for the practical exam due next week. Trying to figure out the tangled up bunch of wires and equipment I almost felt like a pretty great science person. I would take this opportunity to assure you the fact that I am actually quite good at assembling the circuits, but I don’t know what got into me. Maybe that was the sleep. My friends were like something is burning, something is really burning. And the Function Generator(non-science people read, the box) just blew up. We were doomed, but the tensed up end-semester environment came to our rescue. The teacher didn’t really mind us blowing up the equipment. Thanks heaven! Not getting scolded or fined for some misdoing. Today is totally a great day.

Later that day everything was just normal, food, books,Facebook and more food. And then I came across a phenomenal YouTuber, Charlie McDonnell. Within an hour of watching of his vlogs I was officially a fan and an ardent follower. And it’s not because he likes and dislikes the same things as I, or that we have matching views on almost everything, but because what he does is just incredible. It quite amazes me sometimes the spontaneity and creativity of people who have made it big just by the power of web. (My philosophical side may come to you as a shock but it does exist!) And just then I realized why I kept reminding myself that  my day was going to be awesome. I got down to sharing my days activities with you. I decided to resume what I intended to carry out for a long time and was holding back for a long time, writing.

Indeed, Today was a great day!

More Later,

P.S. : This time around I will try to be as frequent and punctual as possible.

A Wonderful Day

5 Responses to "It’s A Wonderful Day!"

Nice….i loved the beginning though because its what we always do….;)


Radhika very good keep it up & try to write more regularly.

inspiring, electrifying…nice write up radhika
would like to see your other write ups too…keep wishes

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November 2012